Monday Morning

23 11 2009

My alarm went off at 06:00 and I woke to the sound of the rain and wind battering my bedroom window – The perfect start to a week! It never gets any easier to get up knowing that you’re about to slog your guts out in the gym…

After a quick snack and a smoothie, I pedaled my way into work (about a 2 mile ride) battling the elements. I had a little accident en route though, as I dropped the bike on wet leaves; not the first time it’s happened either. I hit the deck, made sure no one saw and carried on along my way 😀

Anyway, I got to the gym with a plan to do a leg session followed by the usual 45 minute spin session. I wanted to incorporate more compound exercises, rather than focusing on specific muscles, so I opted to include squats. Here’s how the session panned out:

Weight: 40kg
Exercise: Squats > Calf Raises
Reps: 8 > 12
Rest period: 1 minute
Sets: 3

Weight: 20kg
Exercise: Leg Extensions (one legged)
Reps: 10 (each leg)
Rest period: 1 minute
Sets: 3

Cycle Based training: 45 minute spin class, preceded by some dynamic stretching and followed by some static stretching.

Post workout fatigue: 7/10

I’ll soon work out a better way to document this (for progress tracking) but overall it was a good session. After the two turbo sessions at the weekend and this morning’s session, my legs are somewhat knackered!



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